You are invited to enjoy my art here, and on exhibit--
"Cross for Ukraine," Acrylic
CROSS FOR UKRAINE--The sunflower is Ukraine's national flower, and a symbol of resistance seen often since the country was invaded by Russia in late February, 2022. Sunflowers also symbolize worship and faithfulness in various religions because they evoke the sun.
CROSS SERIES--From September 6 to November 20, my artworks and statements will be exhibited in a solo show on the Cross Series at the First Presbyterian Church of Brighton. Encompassing contemporary issues, terrorist atrocities, simple studies and social observations, it spans three decades and includes related spiritual topics. Go to https://www.brightonpresbyterian.org/
"Cross for Coronavirus Victims," Acrylic
CROSS FOR CORONAVIRUS VICTIMS--was part of an online exhibit of the Brighton Art Guild. It was painted in 2020, during the nationwide lockdown to “mitigate” the spread of the Coronavirus. Its images have both secular and Christian interpretations, and for many cultures, the lion and the lamb together represents peace. We are now on the second anniversary of "flattening the curve" and reeling from the destruction to our economy and psyche from the shutdowns. The definition of victims can now include thousands who suffered economic loss, suicide, social and learning loss and malaise.
Portraits, Mixed Media, Millpond...here's a peek at a recent work before you go exploring the other pages...a mermaid!
--For the most current information and art, go to my Facebook postings using the icon at top. Or go to www.facebook.com/artistpeggy.brewer.
I invite you to visit www.peggybrewer.com to see my Cross Series and other spiritual content.
Thank you for coming to my Web site, and please continue to explore the pages within.
Peggy N. Brewer, P.O. Box 773, Lakeland, Michigan 48143, [email protected]
I invite you to visit www.peggybrewer.com to see my Cross Series and other spiritual content.
Thank you for coming to my Web site, and please continue to explore the pages within.
Peggy N. Brewer, P.O. Box 773, Lakeland, Michigan 48143, [email protected]